Sunday, December 26, 2010

Item Number 44

There was once a dream to spend time in the water surfing on Christmas day. This dream was mine, and on Christmas day 2010 I made a dream a reality. As much as I would like to make it sound as though the Christmas session wielded many joyous presents for all to enjoy, sometimes you have to take what you get. You know, beggars can’t be choosers. Nonetheless, I awoke on Christmas day with joy in my heart, knowing that I would get to paddle out again and try to catch a few waves. After a little breakfast with the family and opening up the stockings, it was time to pack up the gear and head out to the surf.

Upon arriving at beach, I hopped out of the truck the check the surf. As soon as I stepped out the door, the cold December wind stung my face and reminded me of the harsh reality that is winter surfing in Ventura. Searching the break along the coastline of Faria Beach I found my spot and began to get everything together. With suit on and board waxed I paddled out into the cool waters of the Pacific Ocean for my first taste of Christmas day surfing. About an hour, and a few waves, later I decided it was about as good as I was going to get. At the end of the day the surf provided very few gifts of which to the speak of, but the dream was not about finding the best surf on Christmas day, it was about getting my head wet. Though not the most successful day of surfing that I have ever had, the point of the day was found and enjoyed.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

R.I.P. Mr. Andy Irons

I know this is completely out of character for what this blog is about, but for the 3 of you out there that actually read this thing I figured you would understand considering the situation.

I just found out that the 3-time world champion of surfing, Andy Irons passed away today at the age of 32. I realize that none of us know him personally, but it is just one of those things that you never really think is going to happen.

Life is just too short...we spend too much time focused on things that don't matter. May AI's untimely passing remind us to never forget that nothing in this life is promised, we need to make the most of what we have.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Number 52

So while I knew that I was looking for an opportunity to commit a random act of kindness in the near future, there are times when those things just fall into your lap. I have done my best to recognize the opportunity to help someone out, but I was caught off-guard when today an older gentleman randomly asked for my help in the local CVS even though clearly I did not work there.

This older gentleman surprised me when he approached me in the store and began to ask me for help working the copier machine. Now I will point out that I am by no means a mechanical genius, in fact I don’t really even like most technology, but today I got to be IT. I feel bad even going to claim this as a random act of kindness because in the end I was limited and there was only so much I could do to help (as it turns out the machine was out of paper and needed an employee to restock it before it would work). However I did spend 10 minutes out of my day to step aside and help out this guy who couldn’t figure out how to operate the copier machine on his own.

As I walked away from helping this guy out I thought to myself about how without hesitation I had just jumped to work to help this guy with the copier. It was such a satisfying feeling knowing that I had in myself the capacity to help others without hesitation as that has been the point of adding the random acts of kindness to this whole exercise.

Let’s see where we end up next....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Item Number 2

I know it has been a while, but I haven’t been taking care of this list. I’m back at it and ready to knock a few of these out soon….

Everyone has had that dream. The one where you are falling and there is nothing you can do about. Today I made the choice to jump out of a perfectly good plane and begin that high speed decent toward the earth.
Any time people think about what they want to do before they die, skydiving is one of those things that is always thought of. I believe that skydiving makes that list every time because its that one thing that everybody can agree on as being one of the craziest things you can do, but hey since when has the danger in an activity ever deterred me?
So the fun begins when upon arrival to jump school we are ushered into a small room with a tv in the corner. They weigh us in and hand us a large packet to read and sign. I thought when I went to “jump school” that it wasn’t so much about reading like grad school, but more about learning to jump out of a plane. However, after reading the packet about as big as my text books I signed my life away for the chance to free fall from 12,500 feet. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself when the bearded man on the little tv in the corner told me all about how I couldn’t sue them for anything, including “if [I] were to be walking through the parking lot on [my] way out and were to slip and fall on a banana peel, that would be considered a skydiving related activity.” I just don’t know where they came up with the example of slipping and falling on a banana peel, but hey if you are going to sign every one of your rights away, you might as well beware the banana peels hanging out in the parking lot. So after signing my name and initials about 100 times, I got to make a video about not suing anyone ever. Not sure how many ways I can say I understand the risk of skydiving before they believe it, but hey they arent even insured anyways.
Life signed away, it was time to suit up and step out of a perfectly good plane. I am given a sweet bright blue jumpsuit to wear, but something just doesn’t feel right when the zipper is in front (all you surfers out there know what I mean). So geared up and no instruction in hand we load on up in the sketchy little plane and head out for our fifteen minute ride to 12,500 feet. On our way up one of the formation jumpers on our plane was asking my instructor about how his blacking out in the air was going, that’s always something that gives you confidence when you are about to leap out of a plane with this person. The time comes we slide to the edge and the first moment of being nervous hits me as I look out the edge of the plane at 12,500 feet to the ground. This only lasts a moment because the next thing I know I am leaping out of the plane and hurtling toward the earth at 130 miles an hour. It’s the greatest rush I have ever experienced in my life. Heading out the plane there is no way to really explain what it feels like to fall at such a speed unless you have been there yourself. 5,000 feet hits and I pull the rip cord, in an instant we go from a free fall to a nice and easy drift. I get handed the controls to the chute and I go crazy going left to right and right to left, even the little things can be tons of fun. I hand the controls back over and we come in for a nice easy landing. I did it, went from 12,500 feet to sea level in about 5 minutes. I can only hope I hop on the accelerated free fall program and 9 jumps later I am ready to ride solo like Iyaz. If this isn’t really living, then I don’t know what is….

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Number 51

Have you ever been walking into your favorite fast-food restaurant, and just before you make it to the door you hear someone ask you a question “Can you spare some change?” You don’t recognize the voice, but at the same time you know exactly what is going on. This guy (based on broad generalizations) is dressed a little shabby, half the time has a great big bushy beard, and is always wearing several jackets. Yes, I am talking about that homeless guy that hangs out right outside your local Burger King. Yet, how often do we who are more fortunate than others give them some money or even give them some of the food that we are there to get?
Myself, I have always seen these people, but rarely think to give from what it is that I have to them. Have I become that callused that I won’t give just a little bit of what I have? It’s not like it would be difficult for me to give a dollar or buy an extra burger, but I still just don’t give. As part of the 50 things that I am doing for other people, I decided that I wanted to make a point of giving to the next homeless person that I saw some food; whether that be some of my own food or making a point of buying some extra. I wanted to provide to someone that has less than me.
Once again, Ben was with me when I decided to take care of this item of things that I want to do before I die. We had decided to make a run to Burger King for lunch, so I offered to drive on over to the BK Lounge. As we approached the BK Lounge we made the executive decision to walk inside due to the drive-thru always taking much too long to even be worthwhile. As we were making our way to the door, an older man asked us if we could spare a quarter, as neither of us had a quarter or any cash on hand we politely answered that we didn’t have anything. As soon as I was inside the door I realized that this was my opportunity to give this guy a nice little meal. I got up to order and made a point of ordering an extra burger that I had no intention of eating, but I was happy to pass on to this guy. As I waited for my food I began to get that feeling of nervous excitement you get right before the birthday kid is about to open the present that you gave them. Will they like it? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I will feel good because I went out of my way to provide for this man. As we get our food and leave the BK Lounge I step outside and I am ready to deliver the burger to this guy, but he has moved. I felt such disappointment to not have fulfilled my plan. On my walk to my truck, I see the man has not gone far; we pull out and drive up to the corner where that man has moved to. I passed the burger to Ben, who then passed it along to the man. While we drove away we kept looking back to see if he had opened the burger to begin eating it. And even though we never saw him open the burger, I know that even this little thing could make a big difference in this man’s life.
It is interesting how those times when you do something for someone else you find the most joy in your own life....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Item Number 21

Since freshman year of college at Azusa Pacific University, my roommate Ben Hansen and I had a dream of both surfing and snowboarding in the same day. With the surf only an hour away and the snow an hour and a half away, we decided that being in Azusa, CA would provide the optimal opportunity to accomplish our goal. Within the last two years we have acquired a taste for the game of golf, and decided that we would like to add golf to the list of activities in our day. While we had done each activity separate from the others, we were prepared to find out how awesome it would be to complete them all in one day. April 23, 2010 was our day....

5:15am – It’s time to wake up…if there is any way we are going to fit everything in today it is going to involve an early start. The sun rises at 6:12am, so we are up and running an hour before. I honestly cannot remember that last time I was up this early in the day.

5:13am – No, it is not a mistake, even though the alarm is set for 5:15am the excitement of the day to come brings me early to wake. It’s funny how this works when surfing and snowboarding are on the agenda, but when it is time for school or work it is impossible to get out of bed.

5:40am – With everything packed up and ready for the first adventure of the day, we load ourselves into the truck and head off to surfing. Upon leaving the house we realize how cold the morning is, and just how early the day has started for us. Even as we drive, we discuss how unfortunate it is for everybody else on the road who is heading off to work, while we are on our way to take a dip in the ocean. I didn’t even know that life happened this early in the morning.

6:30am – We make our arrival at Sunset Beach, just north of Bolsa Chica. Once we arrive we make our way to the beach in order to take a look at the waves and see how our day shall begin. At first glance we can only see small waves that could only be caught by a 15’ longboard; while small waves can be fun they don’t do a whole lot when you are riding a 5’8” Lost… Round Nose Fish. But at this point, we are committed to this, we don’t have a choice, we are getting in the water whether its 6 inches or 6 feet.

6:45am – We are all suited up and ready for the water. We get to the water’s edge, taking a closer look at the waves that we had seen from afar about 10 minutes prior, and what we saw as very small and runt like in the wave family before had grown quite big very quickly and are now becoming a major challenge just to paddle out into. It’s like our little 1-2 foot waves had gotten on some steroids and hit the gym in about 10 minutes cause they had grown to a lean 3-4 feet, without regular sets. After struggling to paddle out into the surf for about 10 minutes we finally made it out past the break, but needed a rest immediately due to our arms being filled with lead. After about a wave each, with a break that is showing as an eternal wave that breaks only 4 feet from the shore, we decided to switch boards and I set out to get a wave on the 9’ foamie. With a couple of waves caught in not the most ideal conditions, we decided to pack it in and head home to prepare for the next stage of our grand adventure.

7:45am – Ben and I were out of the water and on our 4 block hike back to the where the truck was parked. When we got in the water we had drifted a few blocks down the beach and had to carry our boards from where we got out back to the car. It’s funny how this always happen, yet every time it does I get out of the water and wonder how I moved so far down the beach; it’s like being on that long conveyer belt in the airport, just a slow drift.

8:02am – All packed up and ready to go we pulled out and took off. Ben made a point of stating that we were on schedule to get everything that we wanted to get done. This is an important thing to remember that Ben made a point of noting that we were on schedule.

8:22am – On our way home and all of a sudden Ben has a crazy realization that his wetsuit is not in the truck and in fact is nowhere to be seen. We turn around and Ben figures out that he left his wetsuit on the grass right by where the truck had been parked. The operation has begun; it must be done with military precision. Finally all the times we played Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: 2 will be put to good use, I knew that was all for a good cause.

8:37am – Back at Sunset Beach, we locate and recover Ben’s wetsuit. This swift operation takes place in a matter of seconds. So fast that we were there and almost don’t believe that it happened. This could not have been done any better with a trained Seals team and helicopter.

8:52am – After a 35 minute excursion we are finally back on track and moving toward getting home and getting snowboarding. See I told you it would be important to note that Ben noticed our being on schedule. I love it when irony works out like that....

9:30am – After all the shenanigans we have experienced we are finally back in Azusa, one adventure done and a third of the day complete. I guess I can’t give Ben that hard of a time for forgetting his wetsuit at the beach, because our day began much too early to even be reasonable.

10:00am – Wetsuits soaking and snowboards loaded into the Camaro, we are all set for the second Act in our play to begin. All the stories we had heard about how these days go had told us that fatigue would be setting in about now, but we are still feeling good at this point. Here goes nothing....

10:15am – It’s 10:15 in the morning and we have already done so much, but realize that for once in our lives we are awake early enough to get some McDonalds breakfast. Honestly though, if McDonalds would just have breakfast available a little bit longer they could make so much more money off of those college students like us who are never awake early enough for their 10:30am cut off time. It’s funny how a little McDonalds breakfast just really hits the spot, it’s such a treat because I am never awake for it.

12:00pm – After our brief little stop at McDonalds we are on our way to the snow. We have had such a long season for snow in Southern California that even here April 23, 2010 we can still head on up for a fantastic day in the snow. We now find our self at Snow Summit, and as much as you would expect it to be cold upon arrival to the snow, on our epic day of adventure as we get to the snow it is hot. Only in Southern California….

12:20pm – The adventure is on, we are shredding the gnar, or should I say the sticky icky. I guess that’s just what we get for going snowboarding on the last day possible, but this snow is slower than molasses. We are just aiming ourselves down the mountain and going all out, otherwise we just can’t seem to get enough speed to make it worthwhile. Nevertheless it’s hard to complain that much when it’s gorgeous and bluebird for your last session of the year. Regardless of how the snow is, we are here and we are making it happen, we have surfed and now snowboarded all in one day.

2:40pm – As we make our exit from the mountain we now are beginning to feel the fatigue of our early arrival to the day and being so active with what we are doing, but we continue on because we have a dream to one day be able to surf, snowboard, and golf all in the same day. We head back to the car and strip off our gear knowing that we are well on our way to completing the dream.

3:00pm – With everything packed away and energy drinks in hand, we make our way off the mountain and on to the next and final part of the day. Even as tired as we were, we had all kinds of adrenaline pumping through our veins from experiences that had preceded us thus far, we were two thirds done with our day and nothing could stop us now.

4:00pm – How can this be happening? What’s going on? Here we are one moment cruising along heading down the mountain, the next we are stuck not moving anywhere. To see what is going on I hop out of the car to find that an SUV had overturned around one of the turns. Emergency services are already on the scene and have almost cleared the SUV out of the way, so there is nothing we can do but wait. Even so we look into other ways down the mountain, and just as we had decided upon another route and were about ready to be on our way, things got moving again. It’s funny how that always happens, just when you are ready to make a move out of a lane or another direction, that’s when things get moving again.

4:17pm – FREEDOM!!!! We feel like William Wallace and the Scots, we can only be held back for so long, we are finally free. Traffic gets moving and once again we are on our way to our next adventure.

5:10pm – After our little adventure, the drive is over and we are back home at the PepperTree Estate. We will need a quick turnaround now, as the sun will be setting at about 7:30pm and we still need to get a round of golf in. With our clubs sitting ready in the garage like the fat kid that never gets in the baseball game, we load everything up.

5:18pm – All set and ready to go, we throw the clubs into the back of the truck and head on over to the course that we learned how to swing a golf club at. It’s a hop, skip, and jump away to Glen Oaks Gold Course in Glendora, CA where we will find the conclusion to our epic adventure.

5:28pm – We make our arrival at Glen Oaks and pull our clubs out of the back of the truck, load the bags up onto are sweet little pull carts, and here we are off the course. I feel a little bit like an old man as I hobble along and drag my golf cart behind me. Would be nice to at least play like an old man today, shoot it short and straight.

6:00pm – As we stare down the first tee we remember how we used to play this course all the time, and how far we have come since we first started playing golf. We both reminisced about our first tee off from that spot, and how we had hit it much too far and right at some people on the 5th green. Here goes nothing it’s time to tee off....

7:15pm – Finished 9 holes and we are done, we definitely felt the effects of our long day, at it took till the 8th hole to even find a swing, but we made it through our round without all too much trouble. I just know that the next time I am trying to hit a great score I won’t be planning to surf and snowboard before that in the same day.

7:20pm – With our round in the books, we are done with everything we had planned for the day. It was time to go home; there was no way that we were going to be able to do anything else anyways. Tired beyond belief but with a sense of accomplishment we load of the truck and head on home.

7:30pm – Back the PepperTree Estate. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!!!!!

Next to come: My first random act of kindness....

The list is out

As it is, the list is here. I can only hope that becomes not something that I live for, but something that allows me to really live. These are experiences that I wish to have in order to really let me live; to know that I didn’t waste my time worrying about trifling things, but that I spent my time experiencing everything that this life has to offer. All this life has to offer, both in the adventures I can have and the love that I can share. As each of these items are finished, the acts of kindness toward a stranger shall take place; let us see if that love that is shared really makes the world a better place....

1. Ride a bull
2. Go skydiving
3. Go bungee jumping
4. Drive across country
5. Go on a blind date
6. Run a marathon
7. Be in a fight
8. Go to Oktoberfest
9. Catch and eat a fish from spear fishing
10. Make a hole in one
11. Go heliboarding
12. Spend the night in a haunted house
13. Go see a Manchester United game at Old Trafford
14. Go to panda express as a panda
15. Get barreled in a wave while surfing
16. Go on a surf trip in another country
17. Sneak into an empty pool and skate it
18. Learn to tie a bow-tie
19. Pull the ultimate prank
20. Read all the way through the Bible
21. Surf, golf, and snowboard all in the same day
22. Go on a house boat trip
23. Go back packing
24. Base jump
25. Take a vow of silence for at least a day
26. Go to Salvation Mountain and add to it
27. Take part in a triathlon
28. Swim with sharks
29. Eat at a White Castle
30. Be an extra in a movie
31. Hunt quail
32. Win a food challenge
33. Own a world record
34. Go curling
35. Ride in a fighter jet
36. Learn to windsurf
37. Go to every MLB ballpark in America and collect a hat for each team
38. Go to Philadelphia to get a philly cheesesteak
39. Live out of an RV for a month
40. Whitewater rafting
41. Shape my own surfboard
42. Retrace the steps of the my first surf trip taken at least 5 years later (Summer 2009)
43. Night surf
44. Surf on Christmas Day
45. Scuba dive
46. Create my own art piece in the form of graffiti
47. Make a pilgrimage; to where, I don’t know yet
48. Go to Machu Picchu
49. Go to a World Cup game
50. Blog my way through this list

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Foreword to my novel, or something like it.

After watching the show the Buried Life on MTV, I came to the decision that it was time for me to make my list, or ‘bucket list’ as it has been called. The concept is clear, choose 50 things that I wish to do before I die, and complete the list with 50 things that I will do for other people along the way. The reason for adding the 50 things to do for other people is that I don’t want to list to be entirely self focused, I want to leave a legacy, even if it is only 50 small things done for other people. I don’t know what the things for other people will be, I have some ideas, but I want them to be random acts of kindness.
As I complete each thing on the list, I will then follow it up by completing something for another person. After completing each item on the list I will write up a story to go along with the item, describing how the item was crossed off the list. As well, I plan to write up what I did for someone else and how it played out. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but a picture cannot describe how people felt; so while a picture may say a thousand words, a story can say a million about history. This is my history and the legacy that I intend to leave the world....

List to follow....

Once upon a time....

Welcome to my blog. I cannot promise that this will be the most life changing thing you have ever read, but I can promise that it will be real. This is my life. These are real event from a real perspective. I am by no means an epic writer, but then again, who ever said that you had to be a great writer to have a story. This is my story....